Food for Thought
With the NRA convention well underway, guns and gun control will be the major topic of discussion at the convention and for many evening news casts this week. In conjunction with this hot topic, I received this interesting email(below) that I thought might generate some discussion from anyone that reads this blog.
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
(C) Accidental deaths per physician are 17.1%.
Statistics courtesy U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.
Now think about this:
(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million)
(B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
(C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.00188%- as compared to the 17.1% accidental deaths per physician.
Statistics courtesy FBI.
Statistically, doctors are not fairing too well. However, if someone decided to start driving over pedestrians with Ford F150 pickup trucks, will the government outlaw ALL pickup trucks? I don't think so. Sort of puts things in to perspective doesn't it?
Regardless of what laws are put in to place, regulations are added, taxes levied on sporting arms and ammunition, schooling requirements and special training added for doctors, etc., etc.- none of these things will eliminate accidental deaths. That's because they are just that- accidents.
The Second amendment was written for a good reason. Take a minute and look up what has happened in countries where the "right to bear arms" was taken away from citizens. Civil liberties were also soon to follow as well as increases in violent crimes and murders. This week in Phoenix, AZ, the NRA convention is the ultimate meeting place for members and gun owners to share their thoughts and hopefully shape a bright future for the protection and continuation of our Second amendment.
Getting back to the title of this blog- are doctors more inclined to cause accidental deaths than guns?
Could the statistics be wrong?
Doctors AND Guns save and protect lives everyday.
Draw your own conclusions.
Denny :)
I like your thinking here.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is obsessed with banning everything. In the UK they have all but banned hiunting knives...but what is to stop a kid borrowing Mum's kitchen knives. Perhaps all food will have to be pre-chopped!?
Tim Noble
Grettings to the UK! I was there for a total of 8 hours several years back on my way to South Africa and shared a few pints with some locals down at Picadilly. We discussed this very topic then- freedom is so precious to get and even harder to keep- and seldom to get back once it is taken away........
Denny :)
Amazing story. Our rights to bear arms are under assault not like any other time in history.
ReplyDeleteI have quite a few articles about hunter's rights and gun owner's rights on
Check out our huge library of wild game recipes.