Welcome to the USA Outback Outdoor Television blog!
I'm the host and producer of the show, Denny Snyder and thank you for taking the time to see what's new with USA Outback. It has been a "brief" four year hiatus of NOT airing USA Outback nationally on the Outdoor Channel, the Sportsman Channel, the Men's Channel and numerous regional and local tv networks but now USA Outback is back exclusively on the Internet !
Starting in mid-February, if you go to XON tv (http://www.xontv.tv/), you can watch the last entire season of USA Outback that aired in 2004. The entire list of online hunting videos and online fishing videos can be found on our own web site at http://www.usaoutbacktv.com/ as well as information about our services offered to viewers as well as potential sponsors and customers.
Be sure to check us out in the Instructional videos section as well. There you will find the Knight & Hale "Call of the Week" with Harold Knight, David Hale and Jim Strelec giving calling tips for deer hunting , turkey hunting, and hunting products reviews. If you are trophy hunting for whitetail deer- maybe questions about rut hunting- we have Code Blue's "Making Sense out of Scents" with Don Bell and myself teaching you the art of "scentology" showing you how knowing scents can help you deer hunting this coming hunting season.
Eventually, we will once again have a recommended outfitters and guides page and if you see a company's logo on our web site, you can rest assured that they produce quality hunting gear and provide excellent services as well.
If you need help choosing a hunting lodge for black bear hunting in Canada or fishing trips to fantastic salmon fishing in Alaska , feel free to email me and I'll give you a personalized hunting report or fishing report and tell you where I've been and who I'd recommend. If we produced a hunting dvd or fishing dvd on their facility or services, then they were top-notch hunting outfitters and fishing guides and worthy of the USA Outback stamp of approval.
Have you ever been elk hunting or trout fishing and videotaped your own hunting trip or fishing trips? Maybe I can help you put it together into your own collectable of hunting Africa to save for posterity- as one of our video services we offer without breaking the bank.
Send me your thoughts on what online hunting videos and online fishing videos YOU would like to watch and we'll try to make it happen!
Best Afield-
Denny :)
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